Friday, April 23, 2010

Are Musicians Selling Out?

We had a discussion in class about whether or not musicians are selling out by using sponsorships and doing commercials. Professor Johnson used the example about the Black Eye Pea’s (see picture) incorporating BlackBerry Messenger, Pepsi, Verizon, and other companies into their concerts. Personally, I don’t consider it selling out. I don’t even think twice when I see logos, brand names, or certain products in videos. Everyone is in the business of making money and the artists are just like everyone else. Athletes have been doing it more years and no one considers them to be selling out. LeBron James, fresh out of high school, inked a $93 million contract with NIKE and he wasn’t considered a sellout. Athletes get paid and sponsored to play, why can’t artists get paid and sponsored to perform? We even see sponsorships at music award ceremonies. It seems like before every commercial we hear, “and this part of the AMA’s is brought to you by…”. I don’t see the issue with it. What’s the difference between an athlete wearing an Under Amour logo and a musician using the HP Touch Screen computer in a video? There are plenty of musicians in the industry that don’t take part in sponsorships and are “staying true” to themselves. I get that but let’s face it, we’re in a ‘get money or die trying’ era. In our generation we have been focused on money from the start. Money puts food on the table and it allows us to purchase things. Sponsorships are just part of the business. We see Budweiser logos at Fenway Park I don’t see why we can’t see Pepsi logos at venues all around the country.

I just don’t see an issue with it. I don’t consider the musicians to be selling out and to be honest I don’t think twice when I see the Sponsor’s logos in videos or at concerts. If they can make millions of dollars I think we should let them. We shouldn’t judge the people for being marketable. What do you think? Do you think it is considered selling out or is it really no big deal?

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